Are you ready for community employment?
It doesn't matter if you're returning back to work or exploring community employment for the first time! Meadowbrook Services .d.b.a. the Ohio Job Network is here to help!
Meadowbrook Services .d.b.a. the
Ohio Job Network is a premier
employment service provider.
Our team is dedicated to helping our persons served to obtain their employment goals.
In order to express our professionalism. Meadowbrook Services has painstakingly obtained our initial C.A.R.F. accreditation. This means you will be working with a professional team that has one goal... Your success!
If you have any questions about how our services can help you obtain community employment, at a competitive wage, then please contact us today. We look forward to working for you!
Visit the Ohio Job Network!

OOD Services Offered
Career Exploration
Community-Based Assessment
Job Development - Employment First
Job Development - Performance-Based
Job Development - Supported Employment
Job Development - Units of Service
Activities of Daily Living Training
Job Seeking Skills Training
On-The-Job Supports
Summer Youth - Career Exploration
Summer Youth - Work Experience
Travel Training
Vocational Consultation
Vocational Evaluation
Work Adjustment